Indian Army AOC Admit Card 2023: Fireman And Tradesman Mate Hall Ticket

Indian Army AOC Admit Card 2023: The Indian Army AOC Admit Card 2023 has been released by the Army Ordnance Corps for the Fireman & Tradesman Mate posts on 11th march 2023. The admit card has been mailed and sent via SMS to the shortlisted candidates for the recruitment exam. Candidates will no longer need to visit the official website to download the admit card. Indian Army AOC Admit Card 2023 contains all the essential details regarding the physical exam date, reporting time, venue, and exam day instructions. It is crucial for candidates to check all the details mentioned on the AOC admit card 2023 and follow the instructions mentioned carefully.

The AOC Admit Card 2023 has been mailed to the registered email id and mobile numbers of the candidates who have applied for 1793 Fireman & Tradesman Mate vacancies through AOC Recruitment 2023. The physical exam dates for the Army Ordnance Corps Fireman & Tradesman Mate posts are mentioned on the Indian Army AOC Admit Card 2023. The physical exam is an important part of the recruitment process, and candidates must qualify for it to move to the next stage. Candidates are advised to carry their admit card along with a valid photo identity proof to the examination center.

Indian Army AOC Admit Card 2023

In case of any discrepancy or issue related to the AOC Admit Card 2023, candidates can contact the concerned authorities immediately. It is mandatory for candidates to carry their admit card to the examination center, failing which they will not be allowed to appear for the exam. The AOC Recruitment 2023 is a great opportunity for candidates looking to join the Indian Army, and they should make the most of it by preparing well and following all the instructions mentioned on the admit card.

OrganisationArmy Ordnance Corps
Post NameFireman & Tradesman Mate
Advt. No.AOC/CRC/2023/JAN/AOC-02
Selection ProcessPST/PET & Written Exam
Education QualificationMatriculation
Age Limit18 to 25 Years
Date11th march 2023
CategoryAdmit Card
SalaryTradesman (₹19,900/ to ₹63,200/) & Firman (₹18,000/ to ₹56,900/)

Details Mentioned on Indian Army AOC Admit Card 2023

The AOC Admit Card 2023 for Indian Army Ordnance Corps (AOC) Fireman & Tradesman Mate posts contains several important details that candidates must carefully check and follow. Here are some of the important details mentioned on the AOC Admit Card 2023:

  1. Candidate’s Name and Photograph: The admit card contains the candidate’s name and photograph as per their application form. Candidates must ensure that the details on the admit card match their personal information.
  2. Roll Number and Registration Number: The AOC Admit Card 2023 contains the roll number and registration number assigned to each candidate during the application process.
  3. Exam Date and Time: The admit card mentions the date and time of the physical exam for the Fireman & Tradesman Mate posts. Candidates must report to the examination center as per the timings mentioned on the admit card.
  4. Exam Center and Address: The admit card contains the name and address of the examination center where the physical exam will be conducted. Candidates must note down the complete address and locate the center in advance to avoid any last-minute rush.
  5. Exam Day Instructions: The AOC Admit Card 2023 contains important instructions related to the physical exam day, such as the dress code, items allowed inside the examination center, and prohibited items.
  6. Signature and Seal of the Exam Conducting Authority: The admit card contains the signature and seal of the exam conducting authority, which makes it an official document. Candidates must ensure that the admit card is not tampered with or damaged in any way.

It is important for candidates to carefully check all the details mentioned on the AOC Admit Card 2023 and follow the instructions mentioned. In case of any discrepancy or issue, candidates should contact the concerned authorities immediately.

Steps to Download Indian Army AOC Admit Card 2023

Indian Army Ordnance Corps (AOC) has issued the AOC Admit Card 2023 for Fireman & Tradesman Mate posts. The admit card has been mailed and sent via SMS to the shortlisted candidates for the posts of Fireman & Tradesman Mate. Candidates can follow these simple steps to download the AOC Admit Card 2023 :

  • Visit the registered email id and mobile number. The AOC Admit Card 2023 has been sent to the candidate’s registered email id and mobile number.
  • Candidates need to log in to their email account or check their messages to access the admit card.
  • After locating the email or message, candidates need to click on the link provided to download the admit card. The admit card will be downloaded in a PDF format.
  • After downloading the Indian Army AOC Admit Card, candidates need to carefully check all the details mentioned on the admit card, including their name, photograph, roll number, registration number, exam date and time, exam center and address.
  • After checking all the details, candidates must take a printout of the AOC Admit Card 2023. The admit card is a mandatory document that candidates must carry to the examination center on the day of the physical exam.

It is important for candidates to download and take a printout of the AOC Admit Card 2023 well in advance to avoid any last-minute rush or technical issues.

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