JAC 12th Result 2023

Check Arts/ Commerce Marksheet PDF www.jacresults.com

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Jharkhand Academic Council JAC is responsible for conducting its Jharkhand 12th Board Exam.

JAC 12th  Commerce-Arts Examination were held between  14 March to 5 April 2023, Wednesday.

More than 4 lakh students were appeared in Jharkhand 12th Board Exam for commerce and arts.

All the students are highly conscious for their Jharkhand Board 12th Result 2023.

JAC 12th Arts Commerce Result  has been released today on 30 May 2023, Tuesday.

It is more important for the student to secure minimum 33% over all to get passed JAC 12th Examination.

JAC 12th  Arts / Commerce Result can be checked from official websites :-

https://jacresults.com/ https://jac.jharkhand.gov.in/jac/

To check JAC 12th Result 2023, Type JAC12 [Your Roll Code] [Your Roll Number] and send this to 56263.

To get the detailed information about JAC 12th Arts Commerce Result 2023 click the link mentioned below:-